Tax Resources:
Delivering Support, Knowledge And Comfort To Taxpayers
- IRS: Your Account
- – View your personal or business IRS account, check your balance, make payments, or update your information
- IRS: Help & Resources
- – Search and download forms and publications to assist with tax preparation and submission, including with free help with tax-related questions
- IRS: Guidance
- – View regulations, tax codes, and visit the electronic reading room where links to published guidance are stored for easy access
- IRS: Prepare Your Taxes and Resolve Disputes
-– Prepare your taxes properly, find a local, paid tax return specialist to assist in the process, or resolve an existing dispute
- IRS: Fact Sheets
- – Understand your taxpayer bill of rights, and enjoy easy access to hard to answer questions directly from the IRS
- IRS: Understanding Notices or Letters
- – Identify legitimate IRS notices and letters, the purpose for its receipt, and the next steps to ensuring proper follow-up
- IRS: Past Due Tax Returns
- – A quick source for filing past due tax returns for small business owners and self-employed individuals
- IRS: Audits
- – Up to date information on why you or your company is being audited, and the next steps in the process including what you should provide to help the procedure progress smoothly
- IRS: Tax Court Litigation Index
- – Find specific resources to court litigation indexes relevant to your case
- IRS: Offer in Compromise Solution
- – Discover an adequate, legal solution to lessening your tax debt through a solution where you are not the only one making a compromise
- IRS: Taxpayer Advocate Services
- – Get help inside the IRS with your very own advocate who can walk you through your case step by step
- IRS: Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
- – Meet a 75-person panel who listens to taxpayer needs and identifies issues to improve IRS customer service and satisfaction
- USA.Gov: Help with Taxes
- – Special Programs for elderly, disabled, or limited English speaking tax payers
Government And Legal Association Resources
- Tools
- – Enjoy specific tools and platforms that allow you to file your taxes as an individual or business
- Interactive Tax Assistant
- – Review frequent questions and answers regarding filing statuses, deductions, and tax credit eligibility
- Low Income Taxpayer Clinics
- – Discover representation, education, and advocacy for little or no costs to qualified low income individuals and those who speak English as a second language
- Tax Schemes, Scams, and Cons
- – Identify fraudulent notices, phone call or email scams and cons quickly and effectively
- IRS: Office of Appeals
- – Determine the next steps in appealing the IRS and their decision to request your appearance in Tax Court
National, State, And Local Tax Resources
The local government links listed below provide access to neighboring departments, including the tax assessor’s office, and their contact information in each Texas city we represent.
- Athens, Texas
- Dallas, Texas
- Longview, Texas
- Lufkin, Texas
- Marshall, Texas
- Mount Pleasant, Texas
- Nacogdoches, Texas
- Palestine, Texas
- Plano, Texas
- Sulphur Springs, Texas
- State of Texas Government Home Page
- – Delve into Texas’ government policies, including tax reform and easy to use links for quicker access to answers and services
- Texas Secretary of State: State and Federal Taxation
- – Informative links to business owner/ taxpayer requirements, including applying for an employee identification number
- The Texas Comptroller’s Office
- – Get up to the minute tax policy news from the source, including state and federal laws that apply to you
- Texas Workforce Commission Law Manual
- – A reputable source for Texas business owners to uncover unemployment information, and potential tax liabilities in a single manual
- The Texas Constitution: Taxation and Revenue
- – Taxation and revenue statures outlined in an easy to read format
- Texas Corporate Income Tax Rates
- – A complete reference guide for business owners and how their incorporation type can mean additional tax filings
- Texas State Sales Tax Rates
- – Businesses that sell food and beverages are subject to additional sales tax requirements, and the rates are outlined in this state-by-state guide
- Texas Tax Brackets
- – Understand where you fall in the Texas tax bracket, including your payment percentile, as an individual or business entity
- Tax Levies in Texas
- – Gain access to Texas laws, and how levies are waged on those who do not pay federal taxes in a timely manner
- National Taxpayer Advocate Reports to Congress and Research
- – Review the bi-yearly reports submitted to Congress outlining the most serious problems encountered by taxpayers
- Tax Relief in Disaster Situations
- – The IRS provides specialize tax relief for individuals and businesses affected by disasters in each state, including hurricanes, wild fires, and other catastrophic occurrences
- Small Business Advocates
- – Find out how to enjoy small business ownership, without the stress of taxing repercussions
Taxes And Financial Guidance For Divorcing Couples
- Innocent Spousal Relief
- – Spouses do not always share the same tax burden, this resource provides guidance on how to remove yourself from your spouse’s tax difficulties
- Tax Effects of Divorce or Separation
- – Find out how name changes, support payments, shared retirement plans and savings, affect your taxes during/after separation or divorce
- Tax Relief for Divorced or Separated Individuals
- – Eligibility requirements to lessen your tax liability after a divorce or separation
- Department of Treasury: Divorced or Separated Individuals
- – Seek joint liability relief prior to filing next year’s taxes
- Child Support Requirements and Mandatory Deductions
- – Texas state laws governing child support payments, arrearages, and collection processes
- Spousal Support Garnishments
- – Spousal support payments must be made on time, and in full, or collection processes will be initiated by the government
Learn More About Your Local Government Representatives
- Governor of the State of Texas
- – Uncover contact information, newly signed laws, and access to the governor’s upcoming political agenda
- State of Texas House of Representatives
- – Seek action in lawmaking by contacting your local representatives to object or applaud their political movements on your behalf
- State of Texas Senators
- – Create an open dialogue between the men and women who represent your needs as a citizen in Washington
Government Resources To Maintain Housing, Education, And Stability During/After Tax Troubles
- The US Department of Education
- – Gain access to federal student aid eligibility requirements
- Student Loan Garnishment Laws and Exceptions in the State of Texas
- – Understand the consequences of allowing student loans to go unpaid without explanation
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Counselors
- – Locate a housing counselor to achieve a better understanding of fiscal management options, mortgage delinquency solutions, or receive rental housing counseling
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development: Rental Assistance and Home Buying Facts
- – Discover the eligibility requirements for rental assistance and how you may qualify, or access facts on buying a home vs. renting in your area
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
- – Financial displacement and income complications can be addressed directly to a HUD representative to establish solutions for maintaining residence in a safe place
- Affordable Housing, Home Repairs, and Modifications
- – Review affordable loans and incentives to home buying, maintenance and repairs for low income applicants, and military veterans
- US Department of Labor – Garnishment Requirements
- – Limits are legally applied in garnishment cases to ensure your livelihood is not disrupted when a garnishment is waged on your income
- Wage Garnishment Laws and Exceptions in the State of Texas
- – Protect your personal rights in Texas, where laws differ from their federal counterpart’s when garnishments are pursued
- IRS Property Seizure: Considerations and Collections Process
- – Educate yourself on property seizure processes that apply when property taxes go unpaid without explanation or recovery compromises with the IRS
- IRS Fresh Start Program: For those who owe the IRS
- – Avoid tax liens and repays taxes by meeting certain requirements set forth by the IRS to provide a fresh financial start
- Bankruptcy in Texas: How Does It Affect Your Tax Liens?
- – Review the resources available to solidify your financial future based on your eligibility and debt to asset ratio
- USA.Gov Benefits and Financial Assistance from the Government
- – Apply for government benefits to assist in tough financial times
- Your Path to Government Benefits
- – Take a closer look at the government benefits you qualify to receive, based on your current financial position
- Government Grant Opportunities
- – An exceptional resource for individuals and businesses who may be eligible for government grants to improve their mission
- Federal Grants and Loans
- – A federal guide to grant types, eligibility requirements, and applications for individuals, businesses and organizations seeking financial assistance
- Federal Trade Commission: Legitimate Tax Relief Company Information
- – A comprehensive outline on how to identify fraudulent tax relief, including common scams and cons threatening taxpayers with IRS pursuit
- Audit Representation
- Avoiding an IRS Audit
- Back Taxes
- Cancellation of Debt
- Claims for Refund
- Federal Tax Liens
- Installment Agreements
- IRS Problems in Texas
- Non Collectible Status
- Notice of Deficiency
- Offer in Compromise
- Oilfield Workers
- Paycheck Garnishment Relief
- Employer & Payroll Tax Attorney in Texas
- Personal Tax Liabilities
- Preventing Property Seizures and Levies
- Reduction or Abatement of Penalties
- Resolving Employment Tax Disputes
- Small Business and LLC Tax Services
- Substitute for Return
- Texas Tax Attorney for Levy Relief
- Tax Court
- Tax Liability Reduction
- Tax Resolution
- Tax Resources
- Unfiled Tax Returns
- Tax Debt Attorney in Texas
- IRS Audit Attorney in Texas
- Dallas IRS Attorney
- Tax Debt Attorney in Dallas, TX
- IRS Tax Audit Attorney Dallas TX
- IRS Levies & Liens Attorney Dallas TX
- Dallas Tax Attorney for Contractors & 1099 Earners
- Dallas Tax Attorney for IRS Investigations