Substitute For Return Attorney in Dallas, TX

A substitute for return, or SFR, is filed by the Intneral Revenue Service on behalf of individuals or businesses who fail to file a tax return. The IRS will use all the information available to it, including W-2s and 1099s filed by third parties, and create a “return” on your behalf. Once the SFR is filed, the IRS will send demand letters and, if ignored, begin filing Federal Tax Liens and levies against your bank accounts, wages, and property in order to satisify the amount the IRS has caluculated that you owe.

In the event you receive a notice proposing an assessment or SFR, act immediately. Failure to act will result in the SFR being filed and the balance due on the SFR is NEVER dischargeable in bankrutpcy, even if you file your own return later. The Scammahorn Law Firm will assist you with preparing your past due tax returns and, when necessary, file a lawsuit on your behalf to prevent filing of an SFR by the Internal Revenue Service. The tax attorneys at the Scammahorn Law Firm represent individuals and businesses across the State of Texas, including Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Palestine, Sulphur Springs, Nacogdoches, Marshall, Dallas, Fort Worth, Odessa, Midland, Abilene, San Antonio, Houston, and Plano.

Call the Scammahorn Law Firm today at 903-595-1000 to discuss the options available to you.