Small Business And LLC Tax Attorney in Dallas, TX

Small Business And LLC Tax Services

Many small business owners fail to set up their businesses properly, exposing themselves to unnecessary tax liabilities. Others download a form on the internet and set up a simple LLC not realizing that an LLC is considered a disregarded entity in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service, offering very little insulation from legal exposure and tax liabilities. An LLC is not necessarily the wrong choice, but it must be done correctly in order to minimize audit exposure and maximize tax savings. The Internal Revenue Service is becoming more and more aggressive against individuals and small business owners. Do not let the IRS levy your business bank accounts and seize business property for a personal tax obligation. You need an experienced tax attorney to create the right business entity for your company, shielding your company from individual tax problems and minimizing your individual taxes. Contact a tax resolution attorney and IRS lawyer today to handle your back tax issues in Texas. Click the Tax Evaluation tab on our home page or call the Scammahorn Law Firm today to get you and your business pointed in the right direction. The Scammahorn Law Firm serves individuals and businesses with IRS problems all over the State of Texas, including Tyler, Longview, Palestine, Jacksonville, Nocogdoches, Sulphur Springs, Dallas, Fort Worth, Abilene, Odessa, Midland, San Antonio, and Plano.